With Trinity on the right, of course with the Protestants in charge, we should have the seat of government across the street on the left. Nowadays it's the Bank of Ireland, but back in the day it was the Irish Parliament. The problem was though, back in 1798, the Irish wanted their independence. It was punished harshly and their Parliament was dissolved and 'united' with Great Britain through the Act of Union 1800-01.

A view of the front. The 'Protestant' character of the Irish Parliament is still apparent in two huge wall tapestries showing 'the Glorious Victory at the Boyne' (when ('prod') William III defeats James II's army by the Boyne River 1690 solidifying 'Protestant' control in Ireland) and the 'End of the Siege of Londonderry' by James' forces in 1689 (Nationalists-Catholics usually say 'Derry' whilst Protestants-Unionists say 'Londonderry').

The 'East' entrance to the Irish Parliament buildings.