I decided that since I turned 30 I should take advantage of all the 'privileges' of being a Young Single Adult in the LDS Church, i.e. go to all the Singles' conferences I can because next year I can't go (no 31+ allowed!)....
Me trip began on a train from Berlin to Luebeck on the Baltic coast. Here is a pic of the Luebeck Bahnhof (train station).

Then I went to Luebeck Airport via bus. The city center was pretty cool - they're trying to keep their Hanseatic traditions alive through the markets/buildings/canals, etc.
Ryanair is good and cheap, but it's also a big fat 'liar'! Almost all of their destinations are just 'off the beaten path', i.e. they say they fly to Hamburg when in reality it's Luebeck (an hour away), etc. Hmmm...people and their bidnezz practices...and yet we continue to fall for it!

It was amazingly hot and what made it worse was that this was the waiting area! It literally was a brand new barn they built! The water ran out, it was probably 90+ inside and and and! Grr....but I was all right in the end. I guess the Swedes are in cahoots with the Germans. I didn't have to go through Customs/Passport check at all. If you fly from Luebeck to Dublin, London or elsewhere, yes; but to Stockholm, no.