'He's too late! Look! The Cliffs of Insanity!' And so they are...the Cliffs of Moher in real life though. This was my favorite part of 'the West'. The Cliffs were so beautiful...very rugged, powerful...just awesome!

When I first saw this I just laughed...'no jumping off the cliff'!! What?! Kathy and I jumped the barrier to get down where you used to be able to take pictures...I guess this was our 'do not jump the barrier' sign. OH well...ignorance is bliss because we got the following photos and views...awesome beyond awesome!

Notice the people on top - the Cliffs are huge!

Dizzying...truly...I think people who have a 'fear of heights' it's just that their eyes can't focus....mine had a hard time focussing....if that makes any sense...

'Truly you have a dizzying intellect.' 'Wait till I get going! Where was I?' 'Australia.' 'Australia!' (just for those of you that get easily confused, those are just a bunch of 'Princess Bride' quotes and Cliffs of Moher are in Eire, not Aussieland ;)

Me and my illicit photos...thanks Kathy! ;)