So does this look familiar to any of ye?

Still not sure, eh? Does Cong ring a bell?

'Over here we pronounced it KO-HAN'....that's right! This is the land of one of the best movies ever made! 'The Quiet Man' with John Wayne and Maureen O' Hara ('oh that red hair ain't no lie!')....
I am sure my friend Kathy didn't quite understand my obsession, but it was 'grand' to see it all...even though I have to admit, it's amazing how things are more 'splendiferous' in your head...once you see them...they look like just about any other place....

'Now I want ya's to all cheer like Protestants!'

This is 'the Dying Man's house'. I didn't recognize it, but if they say so.
I really liked seeing it all though...all those happy memories from the movie....