So here are some highlights of the conference:
This is a picture of us putting together kits for children in China. I was just amazed....there was this girl, probably about 19, who didn't want to leave Sweden when her parents decided to move to China. They stayed for 4 years and she felt the need to serve, so she spent a lot of her free time volunteering in an orphanage, they ended up adopting two orphans, and and and....amazing what people can do if they want to. So our task was to write letters to school children; make little games for them; etc.

This is Kubb, i.e. Swedish horseshoes. You take these sticks, shortened broom handles, and try and knock down wooden blocks that are standing up. It goes back and forth until at last you 'topple' the block with the crown on it in the middle (the King). There are certain rules, and even though our team knocked them down and was poised to win, we didn't knock the King down during that turn and thus we lost!

And of course, my personal friend, Sherri Dew came to talk. I wasn't sure about taking this picture, but since it was at the beginning, she hadn't started the 'religious' part, etc. I decided to go for it (largely for Suzanne and my female relatives who all love her so much ;)

After the Conference was over we had a 'mini-after BBQ'. This is the group of us playing Brennball (burn ball), i.e. Swedish baseball. It's interesting to be 1 of 4 runners on a base at a time...