This is the Dublin Fusiliers' memorial that serves as one of the entrances. It just amazed me as I went into St. Patrick's Catheral, etc. and saw all of these memorials to the Anglo-Irish. They fought in WWI, WWII, wars in Burma, South Africa, etc., but now, more or less, nothing remains of who they were other than stone memorials. It just really hit me....it's so sad to give your all to something that doesn't exist anymore...

This is was my favorite part of St. Stephen's Green. It's called Lime Walk because of the Lime or Linden trees. It just always seems so 'Sacred Grove' when I'd walk through it....very peaceful....

Part of the big pond. I fed the ducks here - keeping the tradition alive!

There are quite a few statues in St. Stephen's Green. This is one that was a gift from Germany after WWII for all the help Ireland gave Germany after the ward. It's the 3 Fates spinning away....

Here is a memorial sculpture to the Irish Famine 1846 - 1850. It's estimated that 1 million people died. I was just reading an article about the caues of it...sad, truly sad...

And we end with Wolfe Tone who was a leader in the Irish Rebellion of 1798. The Rebellion was met with a harsh response from Lord Cornwallis who was in charge of Ireland at the time and intent on not losing another British province (he surrendered to Washington just a few years earlier). Tone slit his own throat before he was to be hung...