And the crudite... or is it coup d'Etat? Hmm...I forget ;) anyway, the main shindig was a fancy-schmancy dance held in Stockholm City Hall where they hand out the Nobel Prizes...
No folks. You are not crazy! You did see this outfit before - tis my Wedding Singer outfit! I don't have a suit so I decided to wear the 'anti-tux'. I think it worked and I even got some compliments...

This is the outside of Stockholm City Hall. Apparently that tower is very famous. It claims to be in the league of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Eiffel Tower...hmm....

Here is the inside (smaller than I thought) and my friend Illona in her beautifully, handmade dress!
Some people used the conference to their benefit - a guy had his friends unfurl a banner inside City Hall that said 'Will you marry me?' at least that is what I hope it said....my Swedish is very limited you know.... ;)

And my funky co' madina camera! This is a picture of the Stockholm NIGHT sky! Honestly! My camera makes dark into blue...oh well...still pretty eh?