Our Studentenwohnheim (Studentlivinghouse, i.e. dorm) had a 'goodbye' party for last year's students so we got to go up to the terrase and have a fancy meal. I think my favorite part, as usual, were the views. I shall share a few with you....
Here of course is our very own Theodor Heuss Platz (first president of the new Federal German Republic back in the 50's)....he was a very good man!

This is the Messe Berlin (Exposition Center). That is our Funkturm (Radio tower) and apparently the first regularly scheduled TV broadcast was sent out from that tower. The whole place looks very 'brown', i.e. Nazi era and indeed was built during that time.

Former NSA-Amerikansky listening station. Rumors are they are trying to sell it; build a restaurant inside; etc. Anyone want this business opportunity?! As we learned from 'The Simpsons' the commis are just playing 'possum'...

I don't know what is up with my camera. It makes the night sky look just right around dusk when it was pure darkness out! So, imagine the bluish sky all dark and that would be the way I saw it...