This is Áras an Uachtaráin (I always say it wrong, but it's Aras an Uteron - that's the closest I think I can get it ;) or the house where the Irish president lives. She's different from the Prime Minister - she represents Ireland instead of running the government.
This used to be the house of the Lord-Chancellor (guy London put in charge of Ireland back in the day)...

Knocking on the door, but they wouldn't let me in! ;) (Interestingly enough, when I walked up to the door to get the picture one of the Irish guards started to move towards me with a 'not so nice' face - understandable though...)

We couldn't take pictures inside, but it was very, very nice - it would be nice to live there. Anyway, here are the back gardens. That big tree on the right was planted by Queen Victoria (I love trees and tortoises I guess...they are true witnesses to history....too bad they can't talk....at least they don't to me ;)

I think this says a lot about the relationship between the US and Ireland. The President's house is in this old, huge hunting ground now called Phoenix Park. Well, right across from the Irish president's house is the US ambassador's house!....

If there was any doubt that Ireland is Catholic, let all know that it is! ;) This cross is in Phoenix Park and it's huge. It was cool though....John Paul II gave a huge mass here where more than a million people attended! Apparently the message was 'be converted every day'....I think that is a good message - it's too bad he's gone, I thought he was a really good guy...

Back in the day I saw these hordes of deer, well I was just walking along and right before I left Phoenix Park there were these babies and mommas just sitting in the grass...you can tell one of them isn't too happy I've detected them ;)