So the LDS Church here has taken on a German tradition of going to church on Christmas Eve (we just don't do that in the States, oh well :) and it was good. It was a Christmas concert of sorts.
Then some friends of mine invited me and the missionaries over for Christmas Eve.
Here is the 'set up' - isn't it pretty?

Here are my friends, Ingeborg and Hans. Hans has their Christmas present in his hand - an Alaskan Ulu.

The Elders had to leave, per rules, so I left as well. My Mom always talked about Midnight Mass when I was growing up and sometimes we'd watch parts of it (from the Vatican) on T.V. So I decided I wanted to do a Midnight Mass of sorts, via the Protestant Berlin Cathedral ;)
I stood out and waited in line and then was let in at 11:00.
I am SO happy I went!

I've seen (and the blog has pix of the cathedral from earlier posts) the cathedral before, but it was just so pretty that night.
I liked being with all the people, singing Christmas hymns...it was just a really good time.
I am grateful I could go....

Beautful work!

The altar...
Here is this old sign: Entrance for ...Diplomats, members of Parliament...and other high government officials...
Don't you feel intimidated? ;)

W II - anytime you see that it means 'Wilhelm the Second', i.e. last German emperor and the guy whom the world blames for starting the First World War - in the end, he lost it all!