This is Royal Albert Hall. I read online that you could take tours and that you could listen to free music in their cafe on Fridays, so I gave it a go.
Wikipedia says: "Since its opening by Queen Victoria on 29 March 1871 the Royal Albert Hall (named after her dead husband, Prince Albert) has played host to a multitude of different events and legendary figures and has been affectionately titled 'The Nation's Village Hall'.... the Hall has been used for classical and rock concerts, conferences, ballroom dancing, poetry recitals, education, ballet, opera and even circus shows. It has hosted many sporting events, including boxing, wrestling (including the first Sumo wrestling tournament ever to be held outside Japan) and tennis. "
Here was the music - that day it was a girl from the States and her band. Live music definitely sounds better! Don't know why....

There he is, Prince Albert (he was from today's Germany). He made the Great Exhibition in 1851 happen; Queen Victoria truly loved him (they had 9 kids!); and he introduced the German custom of 'Christmas trees' to Britain and hence all over the world...

It just kills me how long certain areas have had churches there - 1102?!!

There he be, William the Three! It's interesting to think of him outside an 'Irish' context (he is the 'Protestant' that defeated the Catholic James...for Catholic Irish it's the 'beginning' of the Protestant Problems/Ascendancy (VERY roughly speaking) and for the Irish Protestants...he's a hero! Oh interesting, oh interesting you dutchy-Dutchman!

You'd have to be German to understand, but in Germany they have these treats called 'Chocolate Kisses' and these bushes at Kensington Palace are in the shape of the treat! I just thought it was funny...

So before my tour of Albert Hall, I noticed that that night they were going to have a classical concert, so I decided to do it (never know when 'this opportunity' will be the 'last', ya know?) So before the concert and after my Kensington Palace visit, I went to this Moroccan restaurant and I must say 'good food!' Yummy-yum!

One of their little 'roomlets' you could sit and eat in....

I put this up for Mom - so she'd know I am alive and well! Hi Mom! ;)

Inside, before the concert....

To left....

During the intermission, a quick snap of down below...
The box with the 'crown' over it, that is 'The Queen's Box' and she gives the tickets to Buckingham Palace employees, etc. The rules are,