So once again this is Potsdam. Potsdam is to Berlin as Versailles is to Paris. It's where all the kings and queens of Prussia lived, built their palaces, etc.
This is the Brandenburg Gate IN Potsdam - I'm emphasizing the IN Potsdam, because there is a Brandenburg Gate (it points/leads to the city of Brandenburg) IN BERLIN that is the FAMOUS one....

The beginning of the Christmas market....

Most Christmas markets in Berlin/area of, include some kind of ice skating option. NO SNOW here, but let's go iceskating! ;)

Brandenburg Gate....

My mom says this was her favorite pic. I like it too...

Inside the blue 'tree'....

This is Brandenbuger Street - all the food and Gluhwein (mulled wine) huts. I had an 'traditional Alsace' thin 'pizza' - twas good, so it twas...

I saw these stars before, but I didn't realize what they were until I went to Dresden. A lady there explained that back in the day a Protestant 'sect' (Germans call ANY religion that is not Catholic or Protestant a 'sect'; that's just my opinion - even 'Methodists' are spoken of as a sect...hilarious!) escaped Czech area and came to Saxony. They made these stars and now they are all over....
They remind me of the 'star' that Jor-el puts Cal-el into on his journey to Earth ;)