'So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen'...actually, we won't see you again 2008 and seeing as how I lost millions in my hedge funds, GOOD RIDDANCE!! ;)

So my friend Patrick and his wife Katie took me up to Teufelsberg (Devil's Hill - made from WWII ruins) to watch the fireworks over Berlin.
Here is the requisite 'Mormon' champagne, i.e. Martinelli's ;)
It was nice and pretty for a while, but there were SO many people lighting off their own fireworks = LOTS OF SMOKE! We couldn't even really see the city down below :(
It's funny (it seems like this should fit into a Sunday talk or something ;) it was so dark that you didn't really know that the air was this BAD! I took a picture and was like 'Patrick, Katie, you don't want to see what we're breathing in right now!' ;)

We went to the top of my dorm and looked out over my Theodor Heuss Platz - the hoodlums were out, blowing up everything in sight! The smoke is...it really was that smokey! It'll be interesting to see how many people 20 years from now die of lung cancer :(

We then had hot chocolate and 'Pfannkuchen', i.e. Jelly Doughnuts, i.e. 'Berliners' as everyone else EXCEPT people from Berlin call them ;)
I'm putting this in as a 'Momma pic to know that I am alive and well' - thanks Katie.
The 'warfare' outside died down and Patrick and Katie went home.
Happy New Year everybody! Even with all the junk going on in the world (banks, Israel (what else is new?), etc.) hopefully we can all feel the peace in our hearts that we've been promised in these trying times.
Take care and Happy 2009!