I was in London-town for a University workshop and a historical conference (I had to present! AHH! :)
So, when the 'work day' was done, i.e. around 6pm, I would head off to the Thea-tuh. As I've explained in past posts, since I have a student status right now I am trying to see all the shows I can while I can still get the student discount.
Here I am with my 'Buddy Holly' glasses. Yes, there is a Buddy Holly musical (I didn't know that) and it was 'fun' and overall 'ok'.
(I am already planning on giving my 'musicals review' in a future blog, so plan on it)
Then I went to 'Sunset Boulevard'. I didn't appreciate the language and the play at times...nah yah...anyway, a positive point was that it makes me want to watch Billy Wilder movie it's based on.
(Of course my only 'connection' to this show/movie is Carol Burnett, 'I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille...' Heelarious!)
Then I decided to go see something that I was sure wouldn't be 'bad' ;) Agatha Christie's 'The Mousetrap'. It has been running for 57 years! Craziness!!

During the intermission I decided to go outside and finish my Subway sandwich I had bought earlier, only to be met by...
'FREE PALESTINE!' people, chanting, wearing facemasks and yeah...not looking too peaceful (I am such a moth 'drawn to the flame' - ooh...this looks interesting! Ouch! ;)

Speaking of Subway sandwiches, this is what some of the demonstrators did to a Subway store window...
Then came the coppers - they all marched like Storm Troops out of 'Star Wars', it was 'strange'....

I went back to the show and was sworn to secrecy by the cast as to who done it, so I guess you'll just have to go see it.
Here is a little tally....seriously!
23 THOUSAND performances?!!