Taking a stroll down 'memory lane' can be fun at times. Here is the good old Langton Close, former home for nurses, now a dorm for UCL students...

There is the good old '4H' apartment where we all lived together...

And those fans of my earlier England blog will know of my slight obsession with how London has turned old graveyards into parks! It's almost like the gravestones are just used as decor now....

Here we have the official orders from Lady John Manners (never trust someone with a gender-bending name like that! ;) in 1885 opening this graveyard for 'public use'....Europe has made me examine a lot the idea of the 'sacredness of death'. It seems that you're only 'protected' when you're dead if you're famous. In just about all other cases you're 'paved over', built on, dug up on put on display in a museum or...

your gravestone can be used as a bench! I still remember these people that just come and sit on the gravestones in the 'park' smoke, drink their beer, train their fighting dogs...hmmm....

Or you can relax amongst the dead and eat your lunch or read your paper....
I admit I'm a hypocrite because I did it too, but the idea just seems so strange still in my mind...

Then right across the street we have the London Welsh Centre....

And then further down the road we have these buildings that I always wanted to take a picture of - I don't know what year (probably pre-London fire), but I think that is what London would have looked like 'back in the day', before the dreadful onset (in my opinion) of British 'brick madness' - bricks everywhere! Uggh!
These dragons let you know that you're entering 'the City of London'. Over the years London has done an 'LA' in that it's incorporated separate entities and formed 'the Greater London Authority/Area'.