So here are a few 'randomish' pictures showing what my 'Church life' here in Berlin is like. After putting them on here I've realized that 'Church life' involves a lot of FOOD! ;)
Here the missionaries are getting fed with some anti-nourishing American root beer and hamburgers....

And then afterwards outside the diner where we ate - 'posing like a fountain' were the instructions...

This is Horst Gruse. (I asked him what his name meant. A 'horst' is a big bird's nest, like an eagle or something - German differentiates between SO much! So while in English we'd just say 'nest' for everything, Germans say 'nest' for a small bird's house, and then 'horst' for a big bird's house, and there are probably a few other words as well ;) He's the Institute (that is a place where they offer religious classes, i.e. 'Book of Mormon', 'Old Testament', 'New Testament', 'LDS Church History', etc. for people from 18-30) director here in Berlin. A SUPER-nice guy!

This is Elder and Sister Kirkham from Minny-soda (I asked Sister Kirkham if her home state was named after a 'small beverage' ;) They are the 'couple missionaries' in charge of the Institute group (people from 18-30). They do a lot for us and this is a picture from when we had a 'thank you' dinner for them and Horst.

While the rest of the people were in workshops, we peeled potatoes, carrots and then I got to....

Fry up the Schnitzel! Yeah, oh the McDonald's memories flowed I must say....and I was covered with oil - not bad for the guy that's supposed to lead the peeps for the rest of the day and introduce speakers, etc. Oi!

Everybody eating!

And then getting down to bidness! We all went with the missionaries to a square in Berlin and sang hymns and talked to the people. The idea was to invite people to a program about families that night, but alas, none came....but it still was good to do it all!