Once again the London Underground doesn't fail in letting you know where you are ;) Here we are at Tower Hill or 'the Tower'. Part of me wants to yell 'off with their heads!' and laugh, but then another part of me is sad that it's true: so many people died just because they might have disagreed/displeased the Sovereign. I'm grateful for freedom!

That is 'the Tower', even though there are 4! ;) This is from the north of the Thames looking southward...
Right along the side are remnants of the wall the Romans built - yep, Londonium is amazingly old! Here is Trajan welcoming us to his empire ;)
Turn the corner and there is 'Tower Bridge'! My favor-ite!
Crossing the Thames! Back in the day (I guess it still happens, I've just never seen it) Tower Bridge would lift the part where cars drive over to allow ships to pass underneath. Those walkways were built to allow people to walk across whilst the ships passed underneath. They were closed off however, because of so many suicides....
And then there's 'the Tower' from the southside of the Thames...