So by where I live there is a sign that says 'Commonwealth War Graveyard' and I've been meaning to go there, forever! So I decided to go to it...but along the way I came across...
A Jewish graveyard! Fans of the blog know that I am into graveyards! So peaceful...

Just in case you, the reader, didn't know this, but if you're male you're supposed to cover your head in a Jewish graveyard. So when you go to a Jewish graveyard, there should be some yarmulkes/kippas there for you to put on - do so, that is what they are there for ;)

I thought this was interesting....on this man's gravestone it says 'From Berlin to Israel and despite it all back to Berlin.' I thought that was interesting....he was born in 1919...who knows what his WWII experience was like...
I am not sure, but I think the graveyard was a 'new' one, probably the 'West Berlin' Jewish graveyard, because most of the dates on the gravestones tended to be 1950's and later...

Here we go....

I think it is a beautifully-designed graveyard...very peaceful...

The large majority of the gravestones were as Mr. Beattie here - 'AGE 19'!!! UGH! I hate war!
I have to admit, I was trying to figure out how these soldiers got here. Some of the dates of death were 1943 and 1944...clearly the war is still going on. So I don't know if they died in a POW camp or if they were shot down during bombing raids over Berlin (which interestingly enough, changed my opinions about the soldiers themselves)...

Very beautiful...but all those young lives...have I mentioned this before? I HATE WAR!! And it still keeps going on....