Stauffenberg...does that ring any bells? He was one of the leaders of the plot in 1944 to assassinate Hitler. He brought the bomb into Hitler's headquarters, etc., only Hitler didn't die and instead Stauffenberg was executed.

This is the Bendlerblock. It was a former military headquarters and this is where Stauffenberg and other conspirators worked.
Today it is a national memorial. They have also built a museum showing the 'German' resistance to the Nazis...

A wreath and plaque in memory of....

Stauffenberg. The day after the assassinatinon attempt he and other co-conspirators were executed in the courtyard (shown above)...

This was Stauffenberg's work room...

These are photos of co-conspirators who were killed. More than 600 were arrested and 110 were executed...
Germans really go for this and other groups who fought against the Nazis, because they want to hold on to/remember that there were 'good' Germans who fought against the Nazis....in other words, not all Germans were 'evil' Nazis (which is exactly what I was brought up to think in American culture, so that was an interesting idea to 'get over'....)

Sophie Scholl and her brother Hans and others were members of a group called White Rose in Munich. Theirs was a non-violent opposition to the war and Nazi regime. They were caught flinging leaflets all over Munich University and were then sentenced to death in 1943. I respect and love them SO MUCH!!