So the Monday after the wedding I hopped a boat (they're almost like busses or trains around Lake Constance) and rode(?)....floated(?)...to a city called Friedrichshafen ;)

Friedrichshafen is famous for the Zeppelin and here is the Zeppelin museum. Let's go in shall we?

Firstly, hats off to the man who started it all. Hot-air balloons had been around for a while (French, 1700's), however I was impressed at what Count Zeppelin did. He built his 'airships' and they went all over the globe! South America, etc. Quite some technology for back in the day....

Of course Americans remember the Zeppelin probably more for the 'Hindenburg' that exploded over New Jersey in 1937. The museum has recreated a section of the Hindenburg that you can go in.
Here's what a room would've looked like - only 3 days from Europe to South America...

The living room, I guess you'd call it...

And then looking out at what's below you....
Interesting stuff....glad I only had to pay 2 Euros to get in, it wouldn't have been worth much more than that...

Friedrichshafen harbor - and we're off to see the Palace Church with the two towers off in the distance....

This was all an old cloister, then it became Protestant, etc.

I thought the inside was pretty....

A memorial in the harbor park to Count Zeppelin.

And on the memorial this quote: "One has to only want something and believe it and then it will happen.'
;) Positive thinking...
'I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....'

'I think I can'....
So years ago when I was first on a boat on Lake Constance I saw up in the air a Zeppelin and thought 'how cool is that!' Well, years later....drum rolll....

I might have done it as well ;)
Here is the new Zeppelin company in Friedrichshafen. You can see people getting into the airship.
AHHHH! I can't believe it....wahoo!

This time it's our turn....the Zeppelin is coming in for a landing so we can get on....
Excitement levels are reaching happy-happy-joy-joy intensity....

AHHHH! I can't believe it!
AHHHH! How cool!
AHHHH! I can't believe it!

'Fly like an eagle, to the sea....'
The towns below....

View out the back window....
All the vineyards, apple orchards and towns....love it! LOVE IT!

What's that down there? Why it's Meersburg where I stayed!
There's the Palace in the middle and the terrace where the wedding reception was held....

'If not for the fearless crew the Minnow would be lost, the Minnow would be lost...' ;)

Making our way back to Friedrichshafen...SO HAPPY! LOVE IT! BEAUTIFUL! AHHHHH!

They dropped us off....it's so interesting, we were all smiling, smiling, smiling....the people who we replaced on the ship earlier were smiling, smiling, smiling.....I am so grateful for this! Been looking forward to it for a long time!
Here's a picture of the new batch of passengers on their way....THANKS ZEPPELIN Co.!

Hard to out-do the Zeppelin ride, but I decided to take a boat to the Austrian part of Lake Constance.
Byebye Friedrichshafen, thank you!

It started to get dark cuz of clouds, but interestingly enough, you could see the Alps better - love duh mountainz!

This is the German border town of Lindau. The sun did beautiful things that night with all the storm clouds...

See what I mean? This is Bregenz, Austria with its Opera stage on the lake! Traumhaft! And then in the background the beautiful sunset....beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
What a wonderful day. I am so grateful for it all! I love Lake Constance and the area! I loved the Zeppelin ride...it was all such a fantastic day!