My good friend and fellow Univ of London PhD student, Christiane, got married last week. She and her husband, Johannes, invited me down to where they live in southern Germany for their wedding. Beautiful, bella, traumhaft!
But to begin, I gotta show you the VW car plant in Wolfsburg that I saw on my train ride down to Lake Constance :) I thought it was interesting...

This is the view from my hotel room, cute little German 'Fachwerk' houses and street below. This town is called Meersburg, right on Lake Constance and beautiful!

I warned you - beautiful :) This is Lake Constance, it's the southern border of Germany with Austria and Switzerland - those are the Alps in the background.
I just loved this little 'Lake Promenade' they called it. Lovely little walk with restaurants and a view of the lake....loverly...

Meersburg is in the 'state' of Baden-Wurrtemberg and one of the specialities of the region are Maultaschen. They are very 'ravioli-like' - a dough-pocket filled with spinach or meat. These were the best Maultaschen I'd ever had!

This is a view of the street I stayed on at night looking down from the terrace of the 'Palace'. Beautiful...

This is the inside of the Palace Church where she got married. Her dad and mom are Protestant ministers, so her dad got to marry them! How cool is that?!

Afterwards they had cake and drinks out on the terrance. This is largely the same view as the above picture only during the day. Traumhaft!

This is the back of the Palace - you can see all the wedding guests, etc. It was truly a beautiful day!

Johannes's brothers are professional musicians and so we were treated to a concert in this beautiful dance hall in the Palace. Again, beautiful...

This is a view of the street I stayed on at night looking down from the terrace of the 'Palace'. Beautiful...

This is the inside of the Palace Church where she got married. Her dad and mom are Protestant ministers, so her dad got to marry them! How cool is that?!

Afterwards they had cake and drinks out on the terrance. This is largely the same view as the above picture only during the day. Traumhaft!

This is the back of the Palace - you can see all the wedding guests, etc. It was truly a beautiful day!

Johannes's brothers are professional musicians and so we were treated to a concert in this beautiful dance hall in the Palace. Again, beautiful...