This is the Tate Modern. The building was originally a power station along the Thames, but now it's a modern art museum. I had no interest to go there, but some of the exhibits were cool to see. There were some works by Picasso, Warhol, Monet and others, and I can actually say that some of the 'others' I actually like. It's worth a look...
However, the true purpose in going to the Tate Modern wasn't to see art, it was to participate in a spontaneous iPod dance that happens in London. Everyone somehow/some way gets the information that there will be one of these dances, they've had them in Victoria train station and elsewhere, and then everyone shows up.

The beginning....the masses gather....the dance will begin at 7:01pm.

The idea is is that everyone brings their iPod and listens to their own music, while dancing in the crowd. I just think it's nice, clean fun and a cool idea! Can we start it in Berlin somehow? ;)

A view from up above....