Near where a friend of mine lives (old West Berlin) there is the Swedish ambassador's house (I hope this doesn't cause problems...hehe....) where it says that in 1966 the Mayor of West Berlin, Willy Brandt, met with a Soviet official. This is significant because Willy Brandt later became Chancellor (prime minister) of West Germany and initiated what was to be called the new 'Ostpolitik' or 'Eastern' foreign policies. Up until that point West Germany refused to recognize or have diplomatic relations with any country that recognized the East German state (which meant, most of the Eastern/communist bloc countries, i.e. Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc.). Willy Brandt is the one who pretty much said 'we have to move on' and established relations with these countries, even visiting Poland!
And it all started here....oh those neutral Swedes! What they and IKEA can't do?! ;)

(This plaque just gives the history in German...)