I know I've already covered the 'Dutch Quarter' in Potsdam on my blog, but here it is a-gain.
Instead of waiting at the train station for my bus to the archives (it only comes once every HOUR! Grr...) where I study, I decided I'd go grab a tram and hang out in other parts of Potsdam and then just grab my bus in the town itself.
This is the Dutch Quarter. Houses built for Dutch workers in the 1700's. I just like it - it's nice...

From the other end of the street....

My new friend! La Maison du Chocolat (come to think of it, what are the French doing in the Dutch Quarter?! ;) I heard about their hot chocolate and how it was 'more or less a melted bar of chocolate', so I had to try. I have to admit the first 2-3 gulps I wasn't sure I could take it - too strong! (For any of you who know my 'fondness', i.e. outright addiction, for chocolate, then you'd know that's saying a lot! ;)
But after 3-4 swigs I was 'getting into' the flavor and the intensity....
A few days later when I was waiting for my bus again, I went to La Maison du Chocolat and tried a piece of their 'Truffle Cake' - mmm.....I like my 'new friend'....

Say 'goodbye' to the Dutch Quarter everyone!