So I finally decided to do something about my TMJ'd jaw ('Jabber, Jabber, Jabber....Jabber, Jabber, Jabber Jaw!). As I was waiting in my doctor's office I looked through yonder window and saw....
And yep, the song started to play in my head ;)

This is on Ku'damm (fancy/richo street where my doctor's office is) inside of an old mall that was 'the pride' of capitalist West Berlin called 'Europa Center'.
Anyway, it's a 'Water Clock'....or as Wikipedia says:
"The "Clock of Flowing Time" (Uhr der fließenden Zeit) in the western courtyard portrays the passing of hours and minutes in twelve-hour cycles. Globules of coloured water flow up and down a tower through a system of communicating tubes in such a way as to display the current time. The system is emptied every day at 1am and 1pm and the cycle begins again."
You can see on the 'left' the larger 'hour' (let's call them globes- I don't like the word globules ;) globes and then the smaller '2-minute' globes to the right.
Can you tell what time it is? Count the larger globes for the hour....and then count the globes to the right for the minutes....
YEP! It's almost 5 o' clock! And what's cool is when it hits 5 o' clock, then the colored water in the 'minute' globes drains down and water is then pushed into the 'hour' globe and fills it up. It's interesting to watch it when they all drain/get filled up.
Some randomness for you all....enjoy!