Herzlich Willkommen in Rheinsberg! (Heartily welcome in Rheinsberg ;)
So after Frederick the Great married in 1733, the young couple was sent to their little honeymoon cottage of Rheinsberg. They lived there until Frederick became king....then they never lived together again....
I have to admit, one of the reasons I didn't want to put these pix up is that I would much rather show everybody things in summer when they are 'nicer', but....I guess the 'cold' last bit of winter has its own 'beauty', eh?
So here I am being my normally 'shy' self and 'acting'/singing on a 'stage' that the royals had out in their garden. Right underneath us in that 'open' area with the stones is where the orchestra would play. And then across on the other side...
Here is the inner courtyard of the castle....
This is the Rheinsberg Konzerthaus (concert hall) just next to the castle....
And all of this is one can find next to a loverly little lake....(this is my attempt at an 'artsy' photo ;)
Au revoir, Rheinsberg! Thanks for the apple streudel!