So I left Berlin and went and hung out in Alaska for about a week. It was great to see everybody again and especially to get reacquainted with my nieces. They are SO kyoot! We then went on a 'jet plane' and arrived in another place....
So, any guesses on where we are?
Yes, the home of the Vikings....err....I mean...they're not that anymore, so we're are BYU-Idaho, formerly known as Ricks College....

We assembled for the occasion of occasions in Julia's academic life. The time that she'd end being an 'under' and enter the world of gradumicated-types. Who no haw tuh spell realll gyood!
This is the Hart Building(?). We sat through a ceremony and I at least was thinking 'okay, this is great!' Little did I know that the fun was just beginning....

Everyone then separated into their different schools. Julia graduated in Advertising and so we set off for this, in my opinion, 'cool' non-traditional LDS building, called the Taylor Chapel.

'There she is...Miss United States...' right as they are calling her name to become gradumicated...

What a rip-off! All of that time and money and you don't even get a diploma....no worries, I think someone said it was 'in the mail' or something....yeah, it'd better be or else...

Julia took us around Rexburg. It's a lot different than I pictured it....it's kind of up on a hill, at least the college is. Here are the apartments where Julia spent many an hour of freezing, cold Idaho joy!

Here is a view of some new buildings on campus - the Ricks and Hinckley buildings...

And then the piece de resistance - THE TEMPLE! And what a BRIGHT temple she is at that, so says I...

Night shot...

I just find this hilarious - apparently a personal 'highlight' for some was to go to the 'dollar' stores in Rexburg. (This photo is totally staged, just in case you couldn't tell... ;)

So Julia took us down to the 'Sand Dunes' - apparently all the 'cool katz' go there...because apparently there isn't much else to do in Rexburg, but don't tell them ;)
And keeping up the 'coolness meter' of the Dunes, Beyonce started playing on the radio and we all had a spontaneous dance...spontaneously....oh that Beyonce!

Because all hotels were full in Rexburg, we actually stayed in Idaho Falls. There is the Idaho Falls Temple with 'the Falls' and some Christmas lights. Very purdy, if you ask me....

So we drove down to Suzanne's place in Provo. She took us up to the 'Y' mountain and we got to look over a spectacularly clear, beautiful day!
I love Utah Valley SO MUCH! It's SO beautiful!!

Only in Utah - two LDS chapels side-by-side!!

Suzanne and I dropped Julia off at the airport and went driving around. Here's what all the restoration work looks like on the Utah Capitol building. Looking sharp!
And then Suzanne dropped me off - Thanks Suzanne! - for my next adventure. I just felt like I should go to Phoenix....Arizona.... ;)