Oh yeah, I know....PHOENIX!! So that is where I left the darkness behind and exchanged it for +70 and sunny, sunny sunshine! Loverly....
Speaking of loverly, 'there she is, Miss....' Hmm...well, hands down she'd win the Miss Used-to-live-in-Utah-now-lives-in-Aridzona-served-a-mission-in-Nicaragua!! Fo shizzle!
Smile for the camera, Jilly-Bean....
As Jill and I walked around P-hone-ix waiting for our Motocross adventure to begin, we were doubly grateful for Phoenix Public Works and how they make sure we're all on the same page! ;)
I would like you all to notice this picture. Last second we decided to play 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. I looked at the photo and realized....'hey! Why am I done with my movement for 'rock' and she's still half-way deciding...'ohh..ohh yeah, paper, that's what I meant/wanted to do.' Cheater, cheater!
I showed this evidence of cheatery to her and she unashamedly admitted to it....I don't know....'when winning is everything...' ;)
There be the Motocross race track. I was really hoping for them to do those 'tricks' that they do, but alas, the night was dedicated to TCB...not Y...
I was so proud of me li'l camera! It has such a hard time taking 'movement' photos, but I kept it 'focused' and ready and as soon as the riders made their way around the corner (and proceeded to crash into one another, which, after taking into account the crowd's reaction, was the crowd's favorite part of the race)....those are fireworks bursting off as the racers make their way through the spills of humanery all around....
Again, ahhh....'the family that spectates at motorsports...' I don't want to end that sentence. ;)
'Climb every mountain....' or at least drive up it for the view! ;) Here is a view of part of 'the Valley' from Fountain Hills area. Everything was greening up because of recent rains....
Jill took me to the 'highest fountain in Aridzona' - I'm just glad we were there for it....it lasted maybe 10 seconds...literally....
I don't know where the water comes from, but the area was 'watered with recovered waste water'....so....the whole 'no swimming' is probably wise in this case ;)
So I am standing right there....trying to give Jill a wink or two to let her know that a kiss is on my mind, when she suddenly drops to her knees and kisses the frog!!
Women-to-Men interpreters, PLEASE HELP! What does this mean?
Sadly enough, the time came and passed all too quickly. We said our goodbyes and now she sits in Aridzona and I in Berlin, alas, a lass, Lassie...alas....