So we drove to Orleans after Versailles. Nice town, I liked it...
Here is the cathedral at night...
We were walking arounda at 9pm and I was honestly surprised how quiet it was - most things were closed, etc.

A bell tower where local magistrates sought refuge from the invading English...

And speaking of the invading English, there she is, Jean d'Arc (Zhean Dark - sounds funny in French, sorry...)!
By the beginning of 1429, nearly all of northern France and some parts of the southwest were under foreign control. The English ruled Paris, while the Burgundians controlled Reims. The latter city was important as the traditional site of French coronations and consecrations, especially since neither claimant to the throne of France had yet been crowned. The English had laid siege to Orléans, which was the only remaining loyal French city north of the Loire river. Its strategic location along the river made it the last obstacle to an assault on the remainder of the French heartland. In the words of one modern historian, "On the fate of Orléans hung that of the entire kingdom." No one was optimistic that the city could long withstand the siege.
And she did it! She helped lift the siege of Orleans and helped French generals win several battles against the English.
Leaving Orleans the next morning we drove along this little country road and then suddenly there they were NUCLEAR POWER PLANT towers! Crazy....