So, I had a loverly time in France, but it was also good to see my Funkturm again....but if you'll notice...in the bottom part of the photo?...what's that red?
Well, I guess I'll introduce this to you how it was introduced to me...
I got in my friend's car and we were going to meet up with others to go to breakfast on a Saturday morning. He drove past my Berlin Exhibition Center like always, WHEN SUDDENLY!!!....

I SEE ALL OF THESE RED FLAGS WITH SWASTIKAS out of the corner of my eye!
I just about had a mental attack of sorts - I just kept on going 'OH! OH! OHHH!' over and over....
As we passed by I saw German soldiers rushing out of my Messe Berlin (Exhibition Center) and then logic took over and remembered - 'oh, they're just shooting a movie about Stauffenberg (he was one of the main guys behind the bomb plot to kill Hitler in 1944).'
We went to breakfast and I settled down little by little....
My friend dropped me off at my dorm and suggested I go watch them making the film (since he was a soldier in it, in other previous scenes)....
I thought, good idea...

This is what I saw - Nazi soldiers forcing these guys into these trucks, OVER and OVER and OVER again.

Then they called Lunch Break around 2pm and here are the actors waiting in line.
I remember Spielberg saying he just couldn't even look at the actors who played the German soldiers when he made 'Schindler's List'...even though YOU KNOW they're just actors....symbols and uniforms have great power/can bring uneasiness and fear....

So I came back after an hour or so and then they started doing the same thing again, except from the other side. Pushing these guys into the trucks.
I must honestly say I grew to appreciate what actors do, a little bit more. OVER and OVER, ALL DAY LONG, the same thing, OVER and OVER....UGH! (And that was more or less the concensus amongst the people who watched it - 'over and over and over and over....')

Movie in the making....can I be sued? Do they have a copyright to what I take pictures of? Hmm....

So there was a lot of paparazzi, but they seemed to be interested in this team some like to call...

TomKat! Although, I prefer to call them, Family Cruise ;)
They came over and Tom waved to the group of us standing there. They were playing with their daughter, Suri.

There is a better picture of them playing together (surrounded by Nazis). It was REALLY cute to see them all together! Even if this was done for our benefit or promotional/revamping Tom's image, all I can say is that you can't fake the way Suri seemed to like to have him hold her and truly enjoyed holding his hand, etc.
I hope they stay together - they seem like they've got a good, decent family going.

'And then there were none.' TomKatUri drove into the sunset (actually in the opposite direction ;) and then the crew took all the Nazi paraphernalia down.
Gone were the Nazis and gone were TomKatUri...