So, as with most things, there is was an end to my stay in Sweden.
Here is another look at Goteborg before we say 'goodbye'. Say 'goodbye Goteborg'...
I grabbed a bus to make the journey back to Berlin. I thought it would be fun to see the countryside, etc. And I was grateful I made that decision....

Here we have a picture of the southern Swedish countryside heading towards Denmark. LOTS o' farms!

This was my last look at Sweden as we crossed over a HUGE bridge to Denmark. Say 'goodbye Sweden!'...

And say 'hello' to Copenhagen! A busy street in Copenhagen....

And the Danish countryside...looked different from Sweden, but, yet again, LOTS o' farms!

The bus took us to the southern coast of Denmark where we caught a ferry over to Germany. This was a nice surprise because I thought we'd just drive all the way - so the boat trip was a nice surprise.
My last look at Denmark. Say 'goodbye Denmark!'...

You'll have to click on this picture to see what it's a picture of ;) There is a huge windmill farm off the Danish coast. Good idea! Me like...

Being tossed to' and fro at sea....rough winds, rough water, I was praying not to get sea sick - and it worked! ;)

All wasn't so 'bad' weather-wise ;) There was this beautiful break (answers to prayers ;) in the weather system...

A very soggy and windy German coast welcoming me back! This is the port city of Rostock on Germany's northern coast....

Here we are in the 'belly of the whale', i.e. HUGE ferry ship! Just waiting for our bus driver to get back and to get on for the rest of the voy-azzh.

Home sweet Funk (Radio) Tower!