Elder and Sister Kirkham are ending their missions here in Berlin, so a group of us took them to Sanssouci Park. This is a park full of palaces! Here is the ‘Peace Church’ on the grounds where a Prussian king and queen are buried. And…
And here we all are....

And there is Sanssouci (San -soo-see), oh how loverly. Frederick the Great built this palace and loved to be there...in between fighting everyone and everybody he could....
Frederick the Great had these built - they were specially made to keep fig trees warm, so he could grow figs in Prussia's cold, northern climate.
This is Frederick the Great's grave. He wanted to be buried here, but his nephew had him buried in a military church by his father. In 1991(?) he was returned and buried here with his greyhound dogs (the burial markers to the left) which is what he wanted.
Part of the gardens of Sanssouci park.
This is the 'Orangerie' or a huge, fancy greenhouse with palms, banana trees, etc.
This is the back of the Neues Palais (New Palace). Frederick had this built when he was fighting the whole world (Russia, Austria, Sweden and France) in order to show that he wasn't 'bothered' and not worried - even though he was broke and his people were starving!
The front....wonder how many people died so he could build this...I was really bothered when I heard that....