So when I got back to Berlin, jet lag was a bit of an issue (10-hour difference between the Alaskan metropolis of North Pole and the village of Berlin) and so I got to enjoy something that I hadn't before: Berlin Sunrises...
Of course as my camera suffers from some mental condition, what I see and what the picture shows is not always the same thing...the first photo is without flash...so this is closer to what I actually saw...

This is with flash...I think it's the 'nicer looking' of the two...
Very 'connected, peaceful, calm' feeling seeing it...very nice....

This was one of those 'AHHH!' (angels singing moments) when the dreary, darkened sky is opened and rays of light beam all over and you feel like 'you're not alone'...camera didn't quite capture it in my opinion....

Then this was one of our more recent snowstorms. I thought it was very interesting to see Berlin in snow - firstly, because I love seeing things in a new way, but also because all my fellow 'jelly doughnuts' spoke often about what a mild winter it had been, etc. I hadn't really expected to see snow in Berlin....
These are both views out my window...