So the dorm I live in is quite 'international' and there was an ad for an Armenian choral concert. I, loving all things 'new', went and enjoyed it immensely. The journey to the church where the choir performed was 'interrupted' with this heelarious Chinese restaurant - I tell ya, there's nothing like some good old-fashioned, Chinese, WHITE TRASH FOOD!! Heelarious!

The Armenian choir was fantastic! It sounded like Western European Middle Ages music until every now and then they would let out some 'new' sound that let you definitely know that this was something different and from the Middle East.

A better view of the choir. The girl kneeling taking the picture is the Armenian girl, Lillith, who let us all know about the concert...

I find this VERY interesting! I have never seen this anywhere else except here in Germany. There are two religious figures known as Ecclesia (Church) and Synagoga (Synagogue). Well, the representation of Ecclesia is always 'regal, powerful, beautiful', etc. Synagoga always has a blindfold on (she is blind- she doesn't see 'the true way', i.e. Jesus is the Messiah), she has lost her crown and and and I just find this interesting because I have never seen this elsewhere and I just thought it might be an visual symbol of prejudices amongst the Germans and other European peoples concerning the Jews.