Here's the Reichstag at night (you can just barely see the dome all lit up)....
I just read that the Reichstag is the world's most visited capitol. It takes a while to get in, but it's cool, especially to see the view of the city (Berlin is flat country, so it's nice to get up out of the trees every now and then and see what's around you...)

This is Potsdamer Platz. This is one of the main places that the Berlin Wall cut in half and it literally was more or less a 'no man's land'. But good old capitalism conquers all, at least it would seem in our world of ours. Sony and other companies built huge, new, stylin' buildings....'isn't ironic? Don't you think? A little too ironic...yeah, and I really do think...'

There is the dome all lit up - you can go inside? Do you want to?

Okay, so as you requested, we're now inside the dome of the Reichstag looking down...you can actually look down into where the government officials do their best talky-talk...