So here is the collection of 'Sound of Music' sites I got to see.
The first one is the outside of the Reitenschule (Ridingschool) or Grosse Festspiele. Inside is where the Von Trapp's sing their last 'goodbye' to their fellow Austrians...

You had to pay to take a tour, but I was too cheap - I wish I would have gone in. This is a picture of a picture of what it looks like inside...

There were several of these bridges that cover the Salzach river. I recognized the look in one of the 'Sound of Music' scenes when the kids and Maria are out on the town....probably not THE ONE, but could be...

This is St. Peter's Church graveyard - this is where the Von Trapp's hide behind the graves and Rolf and the Captain have their 'stare down' - although the scene doesn't look like this in the movie, so I am thinking the 'hiding' was done here and maybe the 'whole scene' of the graveyard was done in Movietrickingwood...

This is the fountain with the horses at the beginning of the movie when Maria gets kicked out of the convent to face the world and starts singing 'I have confidence in me...'

This is Mirabell Garden where the Von Trapp's run around like crazies. These, I think, are 'the Steps' with the fountain in the background where they end their 'Do Re Me' fest...
These people were getting married that day...

This is 'the Promenade' of Mirabell Garden - I do believe this is where they all run through in the movie...