These are some 'fun time' pictures. This is one of the Road Shows. It's hard to get jokes when you don't speak the language very well ;)

This is our 'Posse' at the Great Dance! Yes, yet again, my outfit should look familiar to some, but when you're a student you have to make things last and so far it has served me well...

So I call this 'Two Men and a WO-man'. I told our friend to the left that he looked like a woman in the first pictures, so he tried to out-do that in this attempt. OH well...he's English, need I say more?

Our friend Davor from Slovenia let me use his J-lo shades for a lot of the evening....hmm....I don't know...I think it might work (amazing how gi-normous glasses look fine on my big head ;)

Every year at this conference they release balloons with little messages, etc. I thought about how environmentally unfriendly it all was, but then of course my negativity would think that way ;)
Enjoy the pretty colors, Aaron!!