So I've explained in earlier posts that the guy in the red is 'Ampelmaennchen' (little traffic light man) and the guy in the green is the 'traffic light guy' from old 'West Berlin'. So I liked this poster, it was made for the day of German 'Unity'. Even though there is still not a whole lot of 'unity' in Germany (the 'Prussians' here don't seem to like the Bavarians 'there'; the 'Wessis' (old West Germans) and the 'Ossis' (old East Germans) seem to still have difficulties understanding one another; etc.), HOWEVER, I would still like to tell the world that I still think it was a miracle from God that this all happened the way it did! ;)
My Mom said she never thought to see the Berlin Wall 'fall' in her lifetime. Additionally, East and West...the 'end' was supposed to be "THE END", as in a nuclear war and we're ALL 'gone'. But instead, a little mistake from an East German governmental speaker ('out of small and simple things') caused thousands to form lines at the East/West Berlin borders and then they eventually just decided 'we don't care! Let's do it!'
What a wonderful day! And I hope that more of these types of days where humanity 'finally just decides' to change things, will come!