Jillian then went and saw Nebuchadnezzar's Ishtar Gate of Babylon and the Pergamon altar (in photo)....
Notice how time seems to have 'slowed' around her....
Oh Jillian, I hope you enjoyed your time here, I did.
Then Jillian 'got on a jet plane'...and I 'don't know when she'll be back again'....
'WHY YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME?!!' (The Dad in 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' says that to Tula(?) when she wants to go study)
COME BACK!! COME BACK!! (Flick says that on 'The Christmas Story' to Ralphie after his tongue gets stuck to the flag pole)
In other words, Jillian, thanks for coming to Berlin and hope to see you around these parts sooner rather than later...