Before we venture into the wild-world of my trip to France, I wanted to first say thank you to certain people and dedicate this blog entry to them.
Firstly, I thank my friend, Ellen, who offered to take me along on this trip! We both couldn't believe that it had been 13 years since we've seen each other, but I guess that's the blessing of having techno-ology in our day and age - we can communicate and it feels like a lot less time has gone by in between visits. VIELEN, VIELEN DANK, ELLEN!
Secondly, I'd like to thank my new friend, Lisa. Lisa, thanks for bringing that Hawaiian way of 'chillin' to our group and for teaching me how to relax. ALOHA, LISA!
Thirdly, I'd like to thank my friend, William and his family. They allowed me to stay with them - they fed me - took me to Church - let me do my stinky laundry - and entertained me. MERCI BEAUCOUPS, William and Family!
And lastly, MERCI to the French people and to France! As an American I am constantly fed the idea that the French are rude, inconsiderate and mean - I found this to be TOTALLY UNTRUE! The French we spoke to in Paris and the other places we visited were considerate, kind and if we just said 'Bonjour' or showed some kind of effort to act like we were the visitor in their country, rather than demanding that they change, they were more than glad to speak English to us or help!
So there! ;) I 100% recommend Paris, France and the French people to all you out there! Go visit! Paris is the MOST BEAUTIFUL big city I have ever visited!!