So where else would I go during the pagan solstice celebration? Sweden of course! And not just anywhere in Sweden, but to Goteborg (that's Yoo-tuh-boree for those of you who are a little rusty with your Swedish ;)
My Goteborg friends, Kent and Janne, have invited me so many times to come visit them I finally gave in ;)
Here is the paganic (why doesn't that word exist in English?) pole of the solstice celebrations. In Alaska, we just stay up, go shopping or have a party, in Sweden there are many things to do, but first....

We must begin with the all-important 'Swedish pizza made by real Italians'. This was called 'the African', it had BANANAS and CURRY sauce on it! Very interesting, slightly good and a new experience for me to never forget...

So, 'only in Scandinavia' I guess...but this woman, as part of her bachelorette party, hangs a sign on her that says 'Last Chance! Hug = 1 Crown Kiss = 2 Crowns'....
My friend Janne had to convince me to do it, my 'American Puritanical-Victorian' leanings were against it...

But...'when in Rome'... ;)

And there she, actually he, be - the Midsommer pole that the Swedes dance around! And did my American Puritanical-Victorian background overcome the 'pagan pull'?
No, Janne and I danced along as well ;)

Hanging with the locals....
PS They loved the fact that I was from Alaska!

The women wore these 'Rose headbands' (Kranzen) on TV, in public, etc. during Midsommer. The little girl looks KYOOT with hers on!

So Janne took me to this amusement park and in this garden they have handprints from famous people - and, even though the Swedes are probably sick of it, who are probably the most famous Swedes?
PS Try to figure out why they are called ABBA - all the clues are in this picture...

We went up a 'ride' on a tower and got to see Goteborg from up high. Nice view....

Few things make me happier than chocolate! When I first moved to Europe (Munich) I bought different chocolate every couple of days in order to find out which one was the best. My favorite back then, and roughly still now, is Sweden's Marabou. And this is how I'd feel if these Marabou bars were real ;)

This is a neighborhood in Goteborg where several members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints live....

Speaking of which, here is one of the local chapels....
PS I still think it's odd for a Germanic language to make a word like 'Kyrka' (church) sound like 'Shheerka'. Hmm....
PSS I like Swedish...it's very 'sing-songy'. It's enjoyable to listen to people speak it...

My friend Janne took me to see several of the local islands on a boat (you can use the same ticket that you use on the bus/trams!).

Trying my best to be a Viking/Bezerker....umm...yeah.... ;)

The Norwegians heard me and started to invade! (Story correction: these are NOT Norwegian Vikings, they are a Norwegian marching band in the area for a competition ;)
I had a lot of fun, but as with all things, the fun came to an end....
Thanks Kent! Thanks Janne!