WHEN SWEDES INVADE (Dah-duh-DUHH!! Gasp!), i.e. World Cup mayhem: So I was just typing with my window open, watching people come and go. I began to notice yellow shirts start to enter the platz and then more and more and more until finally THE WHOLE PLATZ WAS YELLOW and Blue! I couldn't believe it! The Swedes were playing Paraguay that night and so apparently they all decided to come to Theodor-Heuss Platz and meet before the game! There were 8 polizei vans!
I walked through the Swedish invaders' encampment only to find they had taken over our local store as well! Walking through the aisles it seemed as if the color yellow was everywhere...
This was a video I took from my dorm window. There were lots of people with Viking hats and banners. Somebody lit off fireworks and then this guy lit off an orange (I guess yellow if your color blind) smoker....I wanted to shoot him for ruining my air! (After living through several Interior Alaskan summers with smoke-filled days....let's just say I love clean air!)
That night I walked through the platz and it was just sad - garbage and junk everywhere! But those Germans....I tell ya! Ausgezeichnet, par excellence if you will...by 9am the following day the platz was clean and you wouldn't have known that the Swedes had been there! Good job cleaning crew!